RetailManager Update is Now Available

Last Updated November 2024

For this update, simply close RetailManager, download the update and follow the below instructions.  No uninstall of the software is necessary and your RetailManager settings will not be affected.

Note: Be sure to click on the Options and check that the Destination Folder that RetailManager is installed at is correct.

RetailManager November 2024 Overview

We have now enhanced the customer search capabilities which will definitely make it much easier for users to locate customer information quickly and efficiently. With the ability to search by various criteria like names, phone numbers, email, and addresses, we have you covered. This will improve workflow and save time significantly.

You now have the option for rounding fractional quantity products for purchase orders.  By automatically rounding to whole numbers, it simplifies order processing for products sold with fractional quantities. This means that when you receive items like slabs of beer or lengths of pipe, you won’t have to manually adjust the quantities on your purchase orders.

For instance, if your purchase order quantity is 12.7 slabs of beer, RetailManager will now round it up to 13 slabs, making it easier to manage stock and ensuring you always have whole units available for sale. This change should help streamline operations, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency.

We have now added a message prompt using the custom fields in the supplier window. This feature applies to Purchase Orders, Goods Received, and Returned Goods, making it ideal for reminders when entering orders from a specific supplier. For instance, you can set a prompt that states, “Goods from this supplier should have a standard discount of 20%.” This enhancement ensures important details are not overlooked, improving accuracy and consistency in your ordering process.

We have now added the estimated gross profit in dollars and the estimated gross profit percentage to all stock items, excluding packages, in the stock window. This enhancement allows for better visibility into the profitability of individual stock items, helping you make more informed purchasing and sales decisions.

You can now prevent specific suppliers’ goods received and returned goods from exporting to your accounting software. This feature is especially useful for managing consignment stock, as it allows you to track these products in RetailManager without recording them as payable bills in your accounting software.

We’ve recently enhanced the Xero accounting export with several new features. You can now utilise Xero Tracking Categories, enabling you to run detailed tracking reports. The following updates have been made:

Xero Tracking Categories are now available for Manual Journals, Goods Received/Bills/Purchase Orders, Returned Goods/Credit Notes.

Additionally, we’ve implemented a due date calculation for bills, which will be based on the invoice date of the goods received and determined by the supplier’s purchase terms or global purchase terms.

We’ve introduced an option to avoid grouping payment types when finalizing sales orders and laybys into a sale or invoice. This enhancement will reduce confusion for customers by providing a clear breakdown of their payments, rather than consolidating similar payment types.

We’ve enhanced the select multiple stock option in the purchase order window to display additional details. You can now view the current on-hand quantity, sales order quantity, layby quantity, last goods received date, last goods received cost, and last goods received quantity. This improvement will help you make more informed decisions when raising purchase orders, ensuring you order the correct quantities for each product.

Users now have the option to select between two Stock Variance methods: the Standard Method and the New Method, depending on the specific requirements and circumstances of their inventory management practices. Each method offers distinct ways of handling stock discrepancies, ensuring flexibility in tracking and reconciling inventory levels.

We’ve updated the printer setup for packing slips to allow for more specific configurations. Previously, the options for printing packing slips with sales, laybys, invoices, and sales orders were set as global defaults. Now, these settings can be tailored to individual PCs. This means, for instance, that a warehouse PC can be configured to print packing slips, while a shop PC can be set not to print them.

 We have now implemented a significant change to how components are managed within packages. This new approach of requiring a “commit” button to save changes should help prevent accidental removals of products and improve user control. Users will appreciate the added clarity and the ability to review their selections before finalising.

We have introduced a feature that allows you to prevent staff from adding out-of-stock products to a sale. There are two options available for you to choose from:

Option 1: Prevent sales of out-of-stock products for all transaction types.

Option 2: Perform checks when finalising sales dockets or invoices. If a product is out of stock, you will not be able to complete the transaction. However, you will still be able to process Sales Orders, Laybys, and Customer Special Orders for out-of-stock products.

It is recommended that you select only one of these options, not both. These settings are applied individually to each terminal, so you might choose to enable this feature for front counter staff to prevent them from selling out-of-stock products and ensuring correct inventory management. Or back office terminals can process transactions for out-of-stock products as needed.

For guidance, refer to the following resources:

Webstore Manager Download

Webstore Manager Automated Backup PDF Manual

Webstore Manager Automated Backup Video Tutorial

July 2024 Update

July 2024 Update
RetailManager July 2024 Overview

You can now seamlessly integrate RetailManager with Xero Accounting software, streamlining your accounting processes.

Step 1: The Export Tab
Step 2: Chart of Accounts Tab
Step 3: Banking Export
Step 4: Tax Codes
Step 5: Xero Configuration

We have now added a resizable stock search window and you now have the option to search stock by supplier, stock barcode, description or the custom 1 or 2 fields.

You can now do a bulk cancel of old outstanding Sales Orders and quotes

You now have the option to send the customers Sale, Invoice, Lay-By, Sales Order, Quote, Customer Special Order and Purchase orders transactions instantly via email directly from the POS Window.  Even if no customer is entered, you can still send an email.

There’s an option to set a prompt message for missing invoice numbers in Goods Received, ensuring that you never miss an important detail.

The packing slip can now be set to print to a different printer, offering greater flexibility in your printing options.

You can now print or email statements for a customer directly from the customer window

You now have the flexibility to only open your cash drawer for cash payments

We have now added Cubic Millimetre, Centimetre, Metre and Tonne, plus Squared Millimetre, Centimetre and Tonne to the Units of Measure.


Stock Activity Aged Report, allows you to identify fast or slow stock by the age of the last activity.

We have added a yellow colour highlight to overdue invoices, more detailed information on the customer, and the Aged Debtors report now loads faster, improving efficiency when generating this report.

  • We have added a link to the RetailManager Support Website, making it easier for you to contact us when needed.
  • We have also added a link to the RetailManager Video Tutorials which is constantly getting updated.  This will help you to learn more about the features and functions of RetailManager.

July 2023 Update

July 2023 Update

New Goods Received Feature

We have now added a warning to the Goods Received window for the invoice date.  A warning will now appear if your invoice date is more than 60 days into the past or future.  This will eliminate incorrectly entered invoice dates and will stop accounting export issues

We have added the Prompt for partial text search option, which will search the barcode first, and if RetailManager cannot find what you are looking for in the barcode, you will then be prompted to search all other areas, which includes description, extended description, custom 1 and 2 fields, serial number etc.

We have added the purchase order and invoice numbers to the Goods Received lookup window

We have added the RA (Return Authorisation) Number to the Returned Goods lookup window

You now have the option to include the delivery address phone number when searching for orders

We have added an option to include additional security for api connection in the accounting export setup window.  Depending on how your user access is setup in MYOB Accounting, if you are getting access denied errors when exporting purchases, you will need to select this option.

We have now added Square Metres to the Unit of Measure Options

RetailManager July 2023 Update Feautures & Instructions

June 2023 Update

June 2023 Update

New Customer Features

  • You can now send invoices/statements/sales orders/quotes etc to more than one email address.
  • You now can display a popup in the sales window for the customer message.
  • You now have the option to print the customer’s mobile number or email on A4 receipts.

Debtor Payments

  • We have added a lookup by invoice number to the debtor payments window. This is ideal if your customer pays by direct deposit and uses the reference number as their invoice number.

Lookup Window

  • The lookup window has now been made bigger for easier viewing.
  • The Custom field is now no longer case sensitive, and you can search for part of a word or number.
  • You can now search Sales Orders and Quotes by a $dollar value.
  • You can now lookup customer phone numbers or part of a phone number which will look for mobile or phone numbers in the address 1,2 & 3 fields of the customer.

Search Window

  • We have now made the search window bigger, making it easier for you to find products.
  • We have also added a partial Text Search option.  When selected, you will no longer have to use the =*word* option.  Just type a word, a letter, a number etc…, and RetailManager will find it.  This option will search the barcode, description, serial no, name or supplier in the transaction or information windows

Bulk Delete

  • We have now enhanced the deleting of stock in bulk.   Just choose your departments and categories, or choose all, or search by description.  Then enter the last used before date which will only include stock where no transactions have occurred from this date.  Then enter the not created after date which will exclude all new stock created from this date.  N.B. Any items with a quantity against them, will not be deleted.

Bulk Stock Updates:

  • We have now enhanced the importing of stock in bulk. You can now import and update products by matching just the barcode.

Other Features & Enhancements Include:

  • Rebuild/Compact reminder to keep your shopfront optimized
  • Option to allow goods received of static quantity items
  • Resizing of all main transaction windows which resizes to full screen
  • Fix quantity in sales screen which will hold the value when pricing grades are toggled
  • When paying multiple invoices with one payment, only 1 invoice payment will be emailed
  • Speed improvements when loading records in the Email Contact and Email Audit windows
  • Speed improvements when loading records in the Sales Summary window
  • Enhancements to the Goods Received window
  • Add custom field from sales window to packing slip

AAAPOS RetailManager v12.5-2023-6 Update Manual

February 2023 Update

With this update, AAAPOS has concentrated on bringing greater stability to RetailManager by focusing on areas that have been impacting RetailManager users the most with very slow performing functions used every day.

A lot of the performance issues within RetailManager affecting the printing of transactions, statements, looking up transactions and committing transactions when RetailManager is used in a multi-terminal environment has been dramatically improved. New techniques have been applied to these areas that will alleviate day-to-day business operations.

Several RetailManager users that are now running this update have reported amazing speed improvements when looking up transactions, printing and email statements, and reprinting transactions.

2023 – February Release Notes:

Speed Improvements & Enhancements

  • Statements
    • The time it takes to generate the statements has been improved
  • Lookup Transactions
    • The speed to load records in each tab has been improved
    • The records in the Payments tab now shows the original invoice debtor payment instead of the individual invoice(s) one payment is allocated to when one payment is allocated to many invoices. To see the allocated invoices, you can still drill-down on the payment that will show payment details.
  • Tools | Reprint | All Transactions
    • The speed to reprint all transaction records has been improved
    • Any printing of transactional records either through Tools | Reprint or through the Transaction Window Print benefits from the speed improvements
  • Stock – Unit Of Measure
    • Added new unit of measures – Metre, Centimetre, Millimetre and Tonne
  • Print 40 Column Sales
    • Printing 40 column receipts, the header label now defaults to “Tax Invoice” instead of “Sales Docket” if you do not have the option selected in Tools | Options | GST to Print Invoice/Dockets in GST Format.


  • Email SMTP
    • The Direct SMTP email functionality has been updated to send emails using the latest TLS protocol version.
  • MYOB Accounting Export API – You can now connect to MYOB Business Lite, Professional, AccountRight Plus, Premier and all older versions.
    • The MYOB Api SDK has been updated to the latest SDK version 2022.10.449
    • Supplier updates functionality has been improved upon
    • Purchase Orders
      • Blank Tax Code Error – Empty tax codes during an export for 0 dollars now defaults to the tax code “N-T”
      • Missing purchase orders has been fixed and now is visible under Purchases | Bills in Accounting

Please Note: If you are already configured to use the MYOB Online API, you will need to reconfigure your connection to your Accounting File.

  • Sales Order Window
    • When editing a Sales Order and adding items, you can now change the pricing grade for an item where in the past the price would be locked.
  • Sales Window
    • The Payment Details section is locked when there is a stock item in the edit item section of the sales list and the item has not been committed to the list. This fixes the issue where an operator can commit a sale whilst a stock item has not been committed to the list and is still in edit mode. This will now block the error where a user can initiate an EFT for a wrong amount.
  • Bulk Price Updates
    • The Bulk Price Updates has been enhanced with extra filtering by supplier and the stock custom fields. New price adjustment by percentage formula added and round to nearest 5, 10 and 100 cents.
  • Emailing
    • Sending emails can now be staggered in batches, this will allow you to send out emails in groups over time by pausing the process. This can help where your email provider may limit your sending email capacity to a set number of emails per hour

Please Note: 

Some antivirus software may block installing this RetailManager update, if you experience issues restarting RetailManager after installation, try switching off your antivirus software and reinstall this update again, then switch your antivirus software back on. If you are running Retailmanager on a pc that is managed by an IT organisation and you do not have administrator privileges, you may want to consult with your IT provider to have them install this update for you. When you install this RetailManager update, check the “Options” within the installer of this update, it will show you the folder location that has been detected where RetailManager is installed, ensure that the folder location is the correct folder. Some installations of RetailManager may not have been installed in the usual default folder location of C:\RetailM

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